47 Dorrigo Street, Yarrabilba
New Spacious Family Home
Be the first to live in this spacious new home, in Master Planned, Yarrabilba where your family can enjoy the plentiful parklands, network of walk ways, shopping options and facilities including schools and day cares.
Yarrabilba caters for all.
Designed to inspire an active outdoor lifestyle, the growing network of walking and cycleways through beautiful parklands makes it easy to get out and about.
Located conveniently near the entrance to Yarrabilba, on either side of Yarrabilba Drive, a broad range of shopping options, including professional services, are now open.
Yarrabilba also ensures future generations are getting the right starts with four childcare centers, a kindergarten, four schools and training facilities.

$530 per week
Bond $2120
Available 27 October 2023