18 Kurgan Lane, Yarrabilba, Qld 4207
Excellent Investment or Family Home
Built in 2015 this exceptional four bedroom home has many high end specifications, is fully ducted and stands out from the rest in beautiful Yarrabilba Estate
The large open plan family area flows into the meals area, while the gourmet, galley style kitchen has the perfect breakfast bar for a casual meal. The kitchen integrates seamlessly with the alfresco creating one large entertaining area for family and friends, also incorporating an integrated speaker system through the ceiling in the entertaining and living areas for your enjoyment.

Four Bedrooms - All with Built Ins and fully ducted airconditioning
Master bedroom with Private Ensuite and walk in robe
Two bathrooms, the main with bath and shower
Open Plan Tiled Kitchen/Dining, Kitchen with Stainless Steel Appliances and Stone Benchtops
Call today to book an inspection.